Maestro Onésime is a Congolese tenor, born in Mwene-Ditu and raised in Bakwanga, in the province of East Kasai, in the center of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He sang in the choirs "Chœur des Anges" and "La Fraternité St Jean-Paul II" in Mbuji-Mayi, then directed the choir "Oeuvre de Charité Magnificat" and the choir "Angeli Trinitatis" in Kinshasa. He has been directing the choir "Les Messagers de Fatima" since 2004 in the parish of Notre Dame de Fatima. He loves classical music and singing in general because it is the best expression of the soul with all that it carries and transmits as emotions. He has a preference for the compositions of J.F. Haendel, J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, G. Verdi and G. Puccini. Classical music contributes to his growth, the development of his taste for music and his vocal technique. According to him, classical music brings us into communion with others and also stimulates brain development in a harmonious way. His favorite instrument is the flute.