Christiane Oheka

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Christiane Oheka is a student in social communication at the Catholic University in Congo. Passionate about singing, she joined in July 2009 the choir “Les Messagers de Fatima” in the soprano voice. After learning the basics of classical music, she was promoted to assistant conductor of this voice. Soon after, she participated in several concerts of the choir and it was in 2014 that she became a conductor. Inspired by the compositions of Giuseppe Verdi, or even George Friedrich Handel, this soprano voice has proven herself with high level interpretations during the two editions of the Elan de Chœur concert. Today, Christiane is one of the founding members of the Élan de Chœur NPO and is the main coordinator of the team's field activities. She leads the field trips for the second part of the Elan de Chœur project.